Top five essential food ingredients for you this winter season

The winter has come and, now, our body will need the foods keeping us warm and healthy throughout the season. Here, we are listing the top five ingredients that should be included in our daily diet without any delay.

Avocado oil

This cholesterol-free and high in monounsaturated fat oil is very rich in some other nutrients. The high levels of Vitamin A, E and D make it more essential for the winter season. It also helps to keep skin moisturized.


Garlic helps to fight off with common cold and other complications.


Ghee helps in digestion and help to prevent constipation.


Pairing Tulsi with Ginger can boost metabolism, promote easy blood flow and soothe joint pains in this season.


It is also a good remedy to keep cold, cough and flu at bay. It helps to strengthen our immune system also.
